
 Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Created by Marc Najork                                                    
 Last modified on Mon Jun 13 10:05:10 PDT 1994 by najork                   

A BoxGO.T is a geometric object describing a parallelopiped.


IMPORT GO, Point3, PointProp, SurfaceGO;

  T <: Public;
  Public = SurfaceGO.T OBJECT
    init () : T;
box.init() initializes a new parallelopiped box and returns it. The sides of the parallelopiped are axis-aligned, its corners are determined by the Corner1 and Corner2 properties.

  Corner1 : PointProp.Name;
  Corner2 : PointProp.Name;
In addition to the properties observed by all \type{GO}{T}'s and \type{SurfaceGO}{T}'s, there are two additional properties that are observed by BoxGO.T's:

Corner1 and Corner2 are the names of two point properties that describe the two cornerpoints of the box. They associate with \type{PointProp}{Val}s. If they are not specified, (0,0,0) and (1,1,1) are used as cornerpoints.

PROCEDURE New (a, b : Point3.T) : T;
New(a,b) creates a new box and returns it. It also attaches the following properties to the new box: \begin{verbatim} (Corner1,PointProp.NewConst(a)) (Corner2,PointProp.NewConst(b)) \end{verbatim}
 The following two procedures provide sugaring to attach Corner1 and
   Corner2 properties with non-animated property values to geometric

PROCEDURE SetCorner1 (o : GO.T; p : Point3.T);
The expression SetCorner1(o,p) is equivalent to o.setProp(Corner1.bind(PointProp.NewConst(p))).

PROCEDURE SetCorner2 (o : GO.T; p : Point3.T);
The expression SetCorner2(o,p) is equivalent to o.setProp(Corner2.bind(PointProp.NewConst(p))).